Bold BI is a powerful business intelligence dashboard software that helps you get meaningful insights from your business data and make better decisions.
Bold BI is available both as a SaaS(Bold BI Cloud) and on-premise(Bold BI Embedded).
Bold BI Cloud
We are serving business intelligence Software as a Service using Azure cloud infrastructure. You can just sign up for an account and start dashboarding in seconds.
Sign Up Free for a cloud business intelligence account here.
Bold BI Embedded
We are also giving you the software to be deployed in your environment if you would like your data to be kept with you(by the way, we also support hosting our cloud solution in any region as needed).
As of now, we only support windows machines for the on-premise version. But here is great news. We are now porting our product to support Linux and Mac machines too.
We are targeting Nov 2020 for the release of Bold BI to deployed in any environment. Of course, dockers too.
Stay tuned for the updates.,.,.,.,